BC Hydro Home and Business Rebates

Save big when you upgrade your home with an electric heat pump and energy-efficient appliances

Qualify for Up to $10,000 in Rebates

As the province’s electricity utility provider, BC Hydro has several programs designed to improve energy efficiency in your home or business and save money on your electricity bill. BC Hydro currently offers rebates towards the purchase of Energy Star appliances, as well as home renovation and other business energy-savings incentives. These incentives help you reduce energy consumption, protect the environment, and shorten the payback period of your upfront investment.

Get the Guide to BC’s Residential Rebates

Learn more about the comprehensive list of all provincial home heating and home upgrade rebates available from CleanBC, BC Hydro, and Fortis BC.

BC Hydro Power Smart Rebate Programs

In an effort to encourage the adoption of higher energy efficiency that help you save more on your electricity bill, BC Hydro’s Rebate Programs provides great rebates to help you find better solutions. Before you move forward, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements so you’re able to save.

Home Energy Improvement Bonus

If you’re planning on renovating or making significant energy-efficient upgrades to the insulation, water heating, windows, and/or space heating of your home, you can receive a rebate of up to $2,000 with the Home Energy Improvement Bonus. To be eligible, you must complete a retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation before and after the installation of your upgrades by a certified energy advisor. For more information, get in touch with our team.

Take Advantage of the Multiple Upgrade Bonus

In a home renovation, chances are you’re not just upgrading your primary space heating solution. To improve the energy efficiency of your house, you’ll likely consider upgrading your water heating, insulation, and even your windows. If you combine any two upgrades within 18 months, you’re eligible to receive a $300 bonus. It may not seem like much, but every dollar in a home renovation counts!

Need Help?

As your local, qualified heating and cooling experts, we offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise on what rebates and savings are available for your upcoming commercial or residential project.